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Awesome Worksheet Sliders

Introducing Awesome Sliders for Excel


Awesome Worksheet Sliders - Slider Buttons that can be Dragged by the Mouse Horizontally or Vertically to Adjust a Value on a Scale within a Range (can also be used with a Chart Series)


Awesome Sliders are the culmination of all of my work over the last few years producing Sliders for Excel. Those who have purchased and love the existing Slider Projects will know the nuances of pulling together a bespoke Slider design using my previous Code. This piece of work addresses some of those nuances, fundamentally changing the methods of dragging the Slider Buttons and building a Range

So what's changed? Well first off, the Mouse movement and how you drag the Slider Button Shapes is different. Now using the Mouse you can drag a Slider Button left/right or up/down depending on the Type of Slider being used without any resistance or delay in movement; you simply grab the Slider Button with the Mouse and put it exactly where you want it. This allows for a really dynamic look and feel to the Slider and puts the user in full control of the Button. You can rapidly drag it back and forth between the full Range within the allowed Scale. Another change is that I have reduced the amount of Code linked to the Slider Buttons - the Code is the same Subroutine for both the Horizontal and Vertical Sliders



Excel 2013 (Version 5) & Excel 2016 (32bit or 64bit, Version 8)
Basic to moderate Excel Skills and some VBA skills to copy Shapes and then link a Subroutine to a Shape or a Graphic object
Windows PC · NOT a Mac!
No support is provided for customization of this Software


Online Documentation/Help/Features/Credits:

Please note: this Software is released under an MIT license and as such you must attribute the author, Mark Kubiszyn whenever distributing or remixing the work