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Black Apple Template

Introducing Black Apple for Excel


Black Apple Dark Pivot Table & Table Theme Template for Excel 2016 (32bit or 64bit, Version 16.0) Office 365 runnng Windows 11


Black Apple is a Dark Theme for Excel that includes Styling for Tables, Pivot Tables and Slicers. It uses a variety of subtle dark green accents and graduated fades together with a Blue, Green and Grey Chart Colour scheme. It uses a deep red for highlighting variances. Black Apple comes as a .XLSX Template and a .XLSM Macro-enabled Template that uses a modified T.O.C. (Table of Contents) Sheet built using my Treelist Software. Black Apple was designed from scratch using an Arial Font at 10pt and looks great on a Laptop at 80% Zoom


The Zip file contains 4 Worksheets.  The Elements Worksheet contains Border styles, Colours and all of the Grid Formatting for Cells - check out the video for an indepth look at all of the Worksheets


Online Documentation/Help/Features/Credits:

Please note: this Software is released under an MIT license and as such you must attribute the author, Mark Kubiszyn whenever distributing or remixing the work