Introducing Calendars for Excel
A set of any Year, any language, perpetual Calendars for Excel 2013 & 2016 (32bit or 64bit), with a FULL language conversion example for Google Sheets
My Calendars are perpetual, meaning you can set the Year, Month and start Day of the Week and the Calendar will be displayed accordingly. You can also specify the language to display the Months and Weekdays in your own language (Accounting and Planning Calendars only). The Calendars are fully rotational - Set the start Month for a split Calendar. They can be Printed as normal or Saved as PDF and Printed/Emailed. Altogether, there are 9 different types/styles of Calendars in the Zip Archive for you to use.
My Event Calendar was designed in a similar style to the Nürburgring 2019 Track Opening times Calendar and allows you to plot an extended Range of From/To Dates, where you can layer up the most important Dates ontop of one and other. It has repeated Months on either side and repeated Day Letter Codes at the top and bottom. There are no Borders, so the Conditional Formats look and work great in Google Sheets
A School Calendar is included allowing you to rotate the Calendar through your Term Times, plot Bank Holidays, Pupil Days, School Closed Days, Transition Days and Inset/Teacher Training Days. The School Calendar is a 3 X 4 Grid and uses Lists to plot single or Ranges of Dates
There is my Year Calendar where you can plot Lists for Holidays, Absence, Training, Misc1 and Misc2 in a full Year Grid by each Month and Day of the Week
There are my original Office Calendars, 4 Sheets with 2 different layouts. UK Bank Holidays are plotted automatically on these. You can also plot Date ranges on these for 4 lists and/or use Styles to over-plot additional Dates. 2 Calendars are split into 6 X 2 Month grids and the other 2 Calendars are split into 3 X 4 Month grids
Then there are 2 Accounting Calendars that also allow for a Payday plot and display plotted Colours as either as Full Day or in 2 shades for Half Days ie. AM/PM. These Calendars have been lovingly crafted and are specifically designed for Printing but can be used to maintain any plotted Codes, counts etc. by adding your own Formula. These Calendars feature a Global setup Sheet where the Year, the start Month of the Year, the Weekday to start the Calendar on, the language settings and all of the Bank Holiday Dates can be setup. Individual lists of plotted Holidays, Training and Absence are on the Calendar Sheet itself for you to adjust. The layout of these Calendars are 6 X 2 Month grids, with every other Month shaded to draw the eye. Weekends can be either 2 Days or 1 Day and are shaded accordingly. Legends are provided to display the Codes. The plotted Codes all have Conditionally formatted Colours with both Fill and Border
My Event Planning Year Calendar allows you to plot Styles as Events down 4 Rows together with the Text for the Events - see the Usage and Screen Shots sections for more information
A Cover for Managers Calendar allows you to begin with a start Date and then drag the Calendar right and down. Then you can plot Escalate, First Point of Contact (FPOC) and Mobile alongside Bank Holidays to make a Cover Calendar that can be Copied into a slide or an Email
Lastly, there is my Planning Calendar. The setup and layout is similar to the Accounting Calendars, however AM/PM can be plotted seperately as the Dates are grouped together in a Block. Bank Holidays are plotted to the lower right of the Cell Block. AM/PM Dates are sheded differently. A spare slot in the Block can be used to specifiy a 'Payday' ie. 'pay'. Hours worked for AM/PM can be added to the Calendar if it is not just used for Printing (Formula could be used to calculate Hours worked or Absence Hours etc. but these are not included - you need to do this if required). On one of the Calendars, the 'Keiko Jensen (1)' Calendar, the current Date is also plotted and Conditionally Formatted
Excel 2013-2016, (32bit & 64bit) or Google Sheets or Microsoft Online Account/SharePoint
VBA is not used for any of the Calendars
Windows PC · NOT a Mac!
Online Documentation/Help/Features/Credits:
Please note: this Software is released under an MIT license and as such you must attribute the author, Mark Kubiszyn whenever distributing or remixing the work