Starting from:


Carbon Dialog (feat. MeepMeep! & Skinny Carbon)

Introducing Carbon for Excel


Carbon v2.8 (versions 2.4 - versions 2.8, Dark, Badass), a Professional Animated Modal Dialog Class for Excel 2013/2016 (32bit & 64bit) 2013 & 2016 (32bit or 64bit) - the Zip file contains skinny-carbon, a (low-fat) release of Carbon, skinny-carbon-coolblue-minified, MeepMeep (ACT I)! and MeepMeep (ACT II)!


Carbon is a smarter version of Zombie with a Profesional look and feel. A sleek Carbon Dialog with minimilist Colours and good-looking Google Fonts combine to produce a modern Modal Dialog (or replacement MsgBox) for Excel that can be Animated through the various stored Animations. Carbon uses Base64 encoded/embedded Images as Icons (Icons are embedded into the Class). Carbon works via a Wrapper (or Subroutine) to make life a little easier for you when adding a Dialog. The Carbon Themes are kept to a minimal so as to be aesthetically pleasing.  You are purchasing version Carbon v2.8 featuring the Windows 11 fix


This does not include Dark Excel!

Dark Excel ships with Carbon_v2.2 - purchse it from the link below



Excel 2013-2019, preferrably Version 16.0
Basic Excel skills. Basic to moderate VBA Skills
Windows PC · NOT a Mac!


Online Documentation/Help/Features/Credits:


Please note: this Software is released under an MIT license and as such you must attribute the author, Mark Kubiszyn whenever distributing or remixing the work