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Hamilton Phasing Templates

Introducing Hamilton Phasing Templates for Excel


Phase and split buckets of data: 2 Phasing Templates will phase Integer values using Formula across 12 Weeks and prevent loss of Integers by implementing a Largest Remainder method. You can Copy & Paste the data into a Table which will dynamically expand all of the Formula. You can Phase each Week by a Fraction ie. 23.7% and omit Weeks if you want. The Formula will then calculate the results ensuring that only whole Integer values are returned. The results can be copied out directly from the template with the option to copy zero or blank Cells. This template can be useful when Phasing Promotional Volumes


Phase and split Monthly buckets of data into Weekly buckets of data: The Month Into Week Split Template willl split Monthly buckets of data into Weekly buckets by apportioning amounts that lay between 2 Months into the respective ISO Weeks by a daily pro-rata, dividing the Month total by the number of days in the Month. There are 2 example Worksheets, the first with a classic layout for a single set of Monthly data and the second for a more useful cascading horizontal layout that you can add into your projects


Purchase includes 3 separate files, Month_Into_week_Split_Template.xlsx, Phasing_Template.xlsx and Phasing_Worksheet.xlsx


No loss of values due to rounding
No VBA, just Formula


Online Documentation/Help/Features/Credits:

Please note: this Software is released under an MIT license and as such you must attribute the author, Mark Kubiszyn whenever distributing or remixing the work