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Yogi Booking System

Yogi Booking System for Excel


An Excel-based booking system featuring a rollover Calendar, a 1-7 Day filterable Calendar Booking Grid (use Checkboxes or Slicers to Filter) and Language-specific Dates ie. French, Korean, Romanian etc. The Yogi Booking System allows you to Book Slots for 'Something' and 'Someone' at 'Some place' on a specific Date and Time, over a series of Days. It boasts a flexible Calendar Day Grid on which you can plot your own Break/Blocked Slots and a configurable Booking Form. The Calendar Grid allows you to filter the Bookings for the 3 main Property Attributes. The Booking Form features multiple Drop-down Combo Boxes for 5 Property's, 5 Free Text Boxes, 3 Checkboxes, 2 Groups of Radiobuttons and a Print Preview. Yogi also uses my xlui pack Click effect on all of the navigation Buttons. The Report section allows you view the Bookings as a list and includes options to filter by Date Range


Online Documentation/Help/Features/Credits:

Please note: this Software is released under an MIT license and as such you must attribute the author, Mark Kubiszyn whenever distributing or remixing the work